Our landing place since moving 2,500 miles north is a {small} cabin nestled in the Mat-Su valley, and surrounded by mountains, trees, and rivers. Welcome to the new world of the Turners. That beautiful, rednecky, weird, crazy, eventful, surprising, and lively 'tribe' as some call it. Yes, we are the new homeschooling family with 6 kids in the neighborhood . No, we don't have a dog, sno-machine, or sleds; but yes, we do in fact live at the end of a cul de sac. With the temperature hitting the negative double digits on these November nights, and having no running water due to the pressure switch going bad, results in having to use the outhouse in one degree weather during the day, which, to say the least, is a great accomplishment for some members of this clan! Indeed the water pipe froze, and then the hot water heater went out. Not even mentioning the melting-of-snow to provide pure drinking water for this family of eight. Because of the water shortage being in the early morning, there is now a stack [and I mean a stack] of dishes on the counter awaiting their cleanliness. We are staying [mostly] warm under the conditions though. (edit: the pressure switch is replaced and a new water heater installed. So we have not had to use the outhouse recently)
This is the cozy paradise
Ahh yes, a moose in our backyard.
BTW, all these pictures were taken in the late fall right after we got here, not early winter. There is a difference, one being that now there is 6+ inches of snow on the ground and it's below freezing.
This is the cozy paradise
The outhouse... anything else to be said??
Ahh yes, a moose in our backyard.