Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Picnic~ Posted By Nikita

This Picnic was an all day project for Nikita, Louisa, & Brandy. 

From Left to right: Douglas, Holly, Cassie, Aspen, Ivan, & Nikita

We had REAL Pretzels & Lemonade, Mud Bread, 
Fake Minnow 'tortillas' (mud & minnows wrapped in leaves)

Fake Chocolate Brownies, Edible Red Currant Berries,
Fake Currant Berry Cobbler, fake salad, & fake cakes. 
Lacy & Aiden "Two Peas In A Pod"

Cindy, Holly, Hank, Douglas, Aiden, Ivan, Cassie,
 Aspen, Lacy, Hunter, Louisa, Brandy, & Nikita was present at the Picnic.  

Monday, July 30, 2012


The boys built the sign, the girls painted it. This is set up by the mailboxes and they got alot of business, I thought! 
The girls painted rocks & priced them.. unfortunately, no one bought any rocks. The girls had alot of fun gathering, washing,& painting the rocks. 
What looks like just a pile of boards..... is a project in the making 
Beginning to take shape... it is upside down 
Notice our "house" in the background!  The tarp over the door is a wonderful porch area.. our shoes & camp chairs don't get wet!!    
Can you tell what "it" is yet? 
Hard at work!
"it" is a..... BOAT!  
Psalm 2:12 "Kiss the Son" 
The builders Shane, Hank & Douglas--wish I would've gotten a picture of the boys painting it!!  
The very bright yellow paint that was in the 2nd's section worked just fine.   
Loaded & ready for the maiden voyage!  First just the builders went, then Shane came back and got me and    the other children(except David's little ones), and we all went and took turns taking a row with Shane!  

A Peek At Sunday's

David's have been meeting with around 4 other families for Worship on Sunday's.  Usually they take turns at one another's homes.  We have been very blessed to join them, worshipping the Lord, getting to know each family. Shane has preached a couple times, a couple times the brother's have all shared on a subject or chapter, & Denny Wray preached one Sunday.   
The first Sunday-at David & Holly's.  There were 59 people total. 
We fit snugly in!  For the meal, everyone spread out to the porches.
The first time we met- & now feels like we have gotten to know them alittle! 
Here are just some of the children taking a walk with their dad's.
This picture was in case some of you were worried ...
"What about children for the Long's to play know only 4 other families..."
This was Sunday, the 22nd,  we were blessed to spend it with both: families that we have 
just gotten to know & with familiar families we have known! Denny & Susan Wray,
& all their family were here visiting Alaska... Gary & Denise & family
Leonard & Kristy & family, Darwin & Cui Ping & family
We met at James & Renee Richardson's  
They have a large open living space  
I think there were approx 75 people in attendance 
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!!  This reminded me of Thailand!!  At most houses, 
we take off our shoes at the door... I think this is a great thing to do!
The Wray's rented some of these for their time in Alaska